BUTANE Fumes & Bad Cologne


From the trenches of Toronto's psycho-punk periphery comes BMC, the self-proclaimed 'Band of the Future'. Trashy, loud, wry and greasy, this six-piece Retro Punk combo featured a JUMP-STYLE HORN SECTION and managed to combine the best of the bad, bringing together four decades of America's most marginalized music. The Coupe featured former Doughboys drummer Paul Newman, and legendary Swing Punk Big Rude Jake on vocals, guitar, and of course, songwriting.

It spawned spin-off band, TVC.


Sometimes purist, sometimes ironic, sometimes funny, ALWAYS fun.

In addition to BMC, Big Rude Jake and Steve Good teamed up to create a Hillbilly/Rockabilly hybrid called The Tennessee Voodoo Coupe. Not just for purists, the members of Tennessee Voodoo Coupe nonetheless pride themselves in pumping out an authentic rendering of “100-proof Reckless Hillbilly Jive,” offering both original and clever cover material. Their second album, "Over The Moon", launched at Viva Las Vegas 2013.